



코닝의 정보기술팀은 IT 서비스와 시스템을 적절히 제공하여 사업의 성공에 기여하는 조직으로서, 신뢰할 만한 서비스와 품질을 제공할 수 있는 역량 있는 전문가들로 구성되어 있습니다. 정보기술팀은 아래와 같은 업무를 담당하고 있습니다.

  • IT 서비스 제공
  • IT 전략 및 아키텍처
  • IT 성능 최적화

제공하는 서비스는 아래와 같습니다.

  • 음성, 비디오, 데이터 연결을 위한 국제 통신 서비스
  • 개인업무나 연구 및 사업의 생산성 증진을 위한 컴퓨터 장비 및 서비스
  • 영업, 제조, 공급망, 재무 및 사무 간접 업무를 지원하기 위한 거래 및 워크플로우 시스템
  • 보고 및 분석을 위한 정보 접근 및 제공 시스템
  • 보안 및 법규 준수 정보 서비스

코닝에서 여러분의 꿈을 펼치십시오. 지금 입사 지원을 하거나, <정보기술> 직무 관련 최신정보를 신청하여 받아보십시오.

다음에 대한 검색 결과: "". 3/3페이지, 결과 51 - 64 / 64
모집공고 지역 직군 날짜 시설 Sort descending
AI Product Manager: Gen AI
AI Product Manager: Gen AI Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 7.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 7. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Erwin Park Center
AI Products, Principal Data Scientist
AI Products, Principal Data Scientist Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 20.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 20. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Erwin Park Center
Director, Global Program and Project Management
Director, Global Program and Project Management Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 22.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 22. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Erwin Park Center
IT SAP OTC Consultant
IT SAP OTC Consultant Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 7.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 7. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Corporate Headquarters Bldg
Senior Manager, User Design and Research
Senior Manager, User Design and Research Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 4.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 4. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Corporate Headquarters Bldg
Sr. Manager, Product Management Office
Sr. Manager, Product Management Office Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 14.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 14. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Corporate Headquarters Bldg
IT Solution Architect, EWM/LES
IT Solution Architect, EWM/LES Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 19.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +1 추가… Information Systems 2025. 2. 19. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Corporate Headquarters Bldg
Business Process Transformation Analyst
Business Process Transformation Analyst Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +2 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 6.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 +2 추가… Information Systems 2025. 3. 6. COC Charlotte Headquarters, Corning Inc., Tewksbury, MA, Corporate Headquar
Data Network Engineer
Data Network Engineer Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 5.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 5. COC Charlotte Headquarters
AI/Machine Learning Engineer
AI/Machine Learning Engineer Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 2. 22.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 2. 22. COC Charlotte Headquarters
Network Analytics & Automation
Network Analytics & Automation Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 12.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 12. COC Charlotte Headquarters
IT Trade Compliance Manager
IT Trade Compliance Manager Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 2. 26.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 2. 26. COC Charlotte Headquarters
SAP GTS IT Trade Compliance Analyst
SAP GTS IT Trade Compliance Analyst Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 3.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 3. COC Charlotte Headquarters
MDG Developer ‎
MDG Developer ‎ Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 13.
Charlotte, NC, US, 28216 Information Systems 2025. 3. 13. COC Charlotte Headquarters